lunedì 29 novembre 1999

Camera snapshot: difference between Nokia Series40 and Series60

Starting from 3rd release it is possible take picture from J2ME application using the camera in the Nokia series40.

There is a difference between in the startPlayer action between series40 and series60.
In the series60 you can start the video to take the picture using the string capture://video. This doesn't work for series40 where you have to use capture://image.

You can make your application able to understand which string have to use writing a code like that:

Player p;
try {
    Player p = Manager.createPlayer("capture://image");
catch (Exception e) {
    p = Manager.createPlayer("capture://video");

It is important use capture://image first because some series 40 support the capture://video but in that way you can take video film but not snapshot.

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