martedì 21 dicembre 2010

The Blackberry devices different resolutions

Blackberry Torch

I found the table below on a nice website (MobiMadness) and I think it worths share it with you. It lists the screen resolutions of the different Blackberry families:


BlackBerry® 7100 Series

240 x 260 pixels

* Icon layout: 60 x 55 pixels
* Zen layout: 48 x 36 pixels

BlackBerry® Pearl™ 8100 Series

240 x 260 pixels

* Icon layout: 60 x 55 pixels
* Zen layout: 48 x 36 pixels

BlackBerry® Pearl™ Flip Series

240 x 320 pixels

46 x 46 pixels

BlackBerry® 8700 Series

320 x 240 pixels

* Icon layout: 53 x 48 pixels
* Zen layout: 48 x 36 pixels

BlackBerry® 8800 Series

320 x 240 pixels

* Icon layout: 53 x 48 pixels
* Zen layout: 48 x 36 pixels

BlackBerry® Curve™ 8300 Series

320 x 240 pixels

* Icon layout: 53 x 48 pixels
* Zen layout: 48 x 36 pixels

BlackBerry® Curve™ 8350i smartphone

320 x 240 pixels

52 x 52 pixels

BlackBerry® Curve™ 8520 smartphone

320 x 240 pixels

52 x 52 pixels

BlackBerry® Bold™ Series

480 x 320 pixels

80 x 80 pixels

BlackBerry® Curve™ 8900 smartphone

480 x 360 pixels

80 x 80 pixels

BlackBerry® Storm™ Series

portrait view: 360 x 480 pixels
portrait view with keyboard: 360 x 247 pixels
landscape view: 480 x 360 pixels
landscape view with keyboard: 480 x 156 pixels

73 x 73 pixels

BlackBerry® Tour™ 9630 smartphone

480 x 360 pixels

80 x 80 pixels

lunedì 22 novembre 2010

Mobile advertisement: Apple and Android at the same level in the USA

From the Italin blog Mobileblog: A research of the mobile advertising firm MillenialMedia (that has monitored the click on the optimized banner for the mobile) says that Android has reached Apple at the top of the ranking of the OS managing the largest part of the advertisement market.

Apple percentage drops from 56% to 37%, same percentage of Android. Thrid place for RIM with the Blackberry platform. Very far the rest of the operating system (around the 2%)

Mobile OS Advertisement pecentages

venerdì 12 novembre 2010

Blackberry: place a field at the bottom of a screen

When you need to place a field at the bottom of your application screen you can use the setStatus method in the Screen object.
That will keep your field anchored at the bottom even if the rest of the screen is scrolling.

See this question on Stackoverflow

giovedì 19 agosto 2010

GetJar AppIt! service to increase your application downloads

getjar_logoGetJar blog entry claims (via a NY Times article) the Photobucket application increased its download rate 2500% using the AppIt! service which enables application developers to associate one easy and short link to their applications whatever the platform be. The link can be used to share applications across the social networks.

It's up to GetJar platfrom recognize the platform coming for the download and serve it with the right package. Soon a button similar the existent "Share on Facebook" or "Retweet on Twitter" will be provided by GetJar: "AppIt on Getjar" to share applicatin across platforms, countries and handsets.

mercoledì 11 agosto 2010

Looking for Mobile developers

A mobile start-up company based in Verona (north of Italy) is looking for developers (both to join the company or freelance)

More information writing to:

giovedì 17 giugno 2010

Navigate the Blackberry screen stack

You need sometimes to know which screens are in the screens stack of your Blackberry application maybe because you want to remove all the screen below a specific screen because they are not needed anymore.

First of all you can get the active screen using the instruction:

Once you have the screen object you can call on it the method:


you will get the screen object below. Generally you can move along the stack using also the method


used together with the previous getScreenBelow method.

sabato 29 maggio 2010

Problem with HTC Desire and ADB driver? The solution is here.

If you try to connect your HTC Desire to your PC via USB having already installed the ADB driver for Android SDK, you will see that the driver is not working.

To fix the problem you need to install the USB driver coming with the HTC Sync (you can download here).

Thanks to James Giang for the tip.

martedì 25 maggio 2010

Generate a tone with Android

It is pretty easy play a simple tone (a beep) using Android. Two lines of code are enough:

ToneGenerator toneGen = new ToneGenerator(AudioManager.STREAM_SYSTEM, 50);

Android: when the debug certificate expires

Today morning, big surprise! Trying to build my Android application I get this error:
"Debug Certificate expired on....."
What a f..k? And now? What I'm supposed to do?

No worries....going to the default storage location for AVDs which is in 

- ~/.android/avd on OS X and Linux, 
- in C:Documents and Settings\.android on Windows XP, 
- in C:Users\.android on Windows Vista 

you can delete the file debug.keystore and the next build of the projects will generate again a new valid 
debug certificate

giovedì 4 febbraio 2010

Android: Get events when an edit text content changes

This is a problem not very well documented by Google but it is a common task the developers have to do often.

The solution is use a TextWatcher object that will receive event when the text in the EditText changes:

// Watcher to chage char counter when sms text changes
TextWatcher textWatcher = new TextWatcher() {
    public void onTextChanged ( CharSequence arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 ) {

    @Override public void beforeTextChanged ( CharSequence arg0, int arg1, int arg2,  int arg3 ) {

    public void afterTextChanged ( Editable arg0 ) {
         updateCharCounter(); }


domenica 31 gennaio 2010

Feyenoord - Ajax 1-1

Pantelic score in the first half for Ajax. Second half, Wijnaldum equalizes take advantage of an error of Emmanuelson, left back of Ajax.

Good chances for Feyenoord with Tomasson and Makaay.

Interesting young players in the Feyenoord line: Wijnaldum, Fer and the 17-years-old defender De Vrij.

lunedì 11 gennaio 2010

Access android database from the shell

It is very important knowing what we save in the database of our application. To check easily the stored data you can access the database following these steps:

  1. Launch the emulator

  2. Launch the Windows command prompt and go under the "Tools" directory in the android sdk folder

  3. Type "adb shell"

  4. Type "cd data/data"

  5. You find the list of all applications. Enter in your application folder (for example "mypackage.myapp")

  6. Type "cd databases". You find all the databases. 

  7. Launch "sqlite3 <name_of_database>

Type ".help" to have all the instructions.
With the command ".tables" you can list all the database's tables.

Now you can write your query: select * from <name_of_table>.