domenica 24 maggio 2015

Disable log when you release an iOS version

NSLog is very useful during the development phase but it's not secure to have it enabled when you want to release your application on iTunes.
A quick solution, avoiding to change each class of your project, is the following (thanks again to Stackoverflow)
Put this 3 lines at the end of your application -prefix.pch file:
#ifndef DEBUG
  #define NSLog(...) /* suppress NSLog when in release mode */
You don't need to define anything into your project, because DEBUG is defined in your build setting by default when you create your project.

domenica 17 maggio 2015

My Team Manager for iPhone ready for Beta testing

My Team Manager for iPhone is ready for Beta testing. You can partecipate to the beta test phase going to our page on Beta Family

The features of the version 1.0:

  • Manage more than one team 
  • Manage multiple season
  • Manage your roster and your players' info and statistics
  • Add your team's matches, the calls-up, the lineup and your personal notes, the results, the scorers. Share them with your players via  the team Facebook page, SMS, WhatsApp or email
  • Choose the tactic for the matches in the lineup screen
  • Indicate the type of the matches (league, cup, friendly, other) and use it to filter
  • Add and manage your training sessions
  • Send any message via SMS, WhatsApp, email or on your team's Facebook page
  • Massive import of players from your phonebook
Some screenshot of the application:

sabato 16 maggio 2015

MakeAppIcon: easily creation of your application icons

The service MakeAppIcon helps you when you need to create multiple sizes icons for your applications.

You can drag and drop your original image (preferably 1024x1024) in the toaster's home page and after few seconds you will have all the needed icons for your iOS (iWatch included) and Android application.

You can enter your email address to receive everything directly in your inbox.

mercoledì 13 maggio 2015

Find errors in your iOS project .strings files with Plutil

When you have an syntax error in your application's localization file and you try to build your project, Xcode will give you the follow error:

/Users/Emanuele/git/MyTeamManagerIPhone/MyTeamManagerIPhone/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings:0: Read failed: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format.

Often the error is a missed semicolon somewhere in the file but Xcode won't point it out and when the file is big, find the issue manually can be a timing consuming task.

I found on Stackoverflow a very useful response to a similar problem. The solution is using a utility of OS X called plutil, which allow to check the validity of a property file or convert a plist file to another format.

So if your run the command:

plutil -lint <yourpath>/Localizable.string

you can get a clearer message helping you to find immediately where your file has the problem:

2015-05-14 00:08:12.331 plutil[40933:3760056] CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary on line 99. Parsing will be abandoned. Break on _CFPropertyListMissingSemicolon to debug.
/Users/Emanuele/git/MyTeamManagerIPhone/MyTeamManagerIPhone/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings: Unexpected character / at line 1