venerdì 11 settembre 2009

Unofficial Bluetooth API for Android

Stefano Sanna released in the past days a new version of his Bluetooth API for Android, the version 0.2. Some of the changes compared with the previous version are:

  • Bug fixing for RSSI (signal level of discovered devices) and I/O management;

  • SDP support to discover the RFCOMM channel assigned to a specific service  of a discovered device

These are added to the first release features:

  • Chance to start and stop the device Bluetooth;

  • Discover of the remote Bluetooth devices;

  • RFCOMM client connection

The library is available from ed e’ distribuita con licenza Apache 2.0. It has been tested on Android 1.1 and 1.5 and it doesn''t require any hacking.
Link to Stefano Sanna blog

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