lunedì 29 novembre 1999

The new J2ME Wireless Toolkit 3.0: Java Platform Micro Edition SDK 3.0 (with built-in LWUIT library)

Sun has released the new SDK for Java Mobile Development which is the successor of the Java Wireless Toolkit 2.5.2 and the Java Toolkit 1.0 for CDC. As they say " It integrates CLDC, CDC and Blu-ray Disc Java (BD-J) technology into one SDK".

The reported key features are:

  • Integration with 3rd party emulators and Windows Mobile devices

  • On-device deployment and on-device debugging

  • CLDC/MIDP, CDC/FP/PBP/AGUI and BD-J integrated into one SDK

  • New CLDC HotSpot Virtual Machine

  • Optimized MSA 1.1 stack with extensions

  • Profiling support

  • BD-J support

  • New development environment based on Netbeans Platform

  • Lightweight UI Toolkit (LWUIT) integration

  • Device search database integrated in SDK

Some of the new features are really appreciated.

For example the MSA 1.1 stack with extension includes the following new JSR:

  • Mobile Sensor API (JSR 256)

  • XML API for Java ME (JSR 280)

  • Java Binding for the OpenGL ES API (JSR 239)

Also the integration with LWUIT is a very good features. This SDK is is the first developer's kit that comes with a built-in LWUIT library, resource manager and demo application.

And last but not least, the integrated device database which is a built-in WURFL database search engine with thousands of mobile devices. More than 8000 platforms are accessible using the database in the SDK.

I haven't tried the new SDK yet but I will do soon. If anyone has already tried it please post a comment.

2 commenti:

  1. I've been trying to use JavaME SDK 3.0 today. It's great, apart from the  horrible fact that I just cannot get preverifying to work in any way at all.

    I've just switched back to WTK2.5.2_1 and I can now preverify. Sigh.

  2. P.S. same commenter here again - I should add that my problem concerned running preverifier through Antenna. Running the preverifier right there on the command line does work. But I need Antenna!

    More details here:
