lunedì 29 novembre 1999

The J2ME graphic library LWUIT becomes Open Source

LWUIT Open SourceThe LWUIT project is now Opens Source as announced in the blog of the project. Now the new features/bug fixings will be commited diectly to the repository and they will be immediately available for the developers that can also contribute directly to the project.

Main features of the new drop/source code include the following:

  • Live drag and drop support for components in layouts

  • Component z-ordering support

  • New absolute/scalable layout allowing arbitrary positioning

  • SVG Image support using JSR 226 - SVG Images can be loaded and applied to any component

  • 3D transitions are now possible for all components including dialogs and arbitrary components

  • Performance improvements: Added the ability to repaint a dirty rectangle within a Component

  • Added support for glass pane allowing a painter/painter chain to draw on top of the current component very efficiently.

  • Fix for issue of layering modal dialogs one on top of the other

About the license of the library they say: "The license we picked is the GPL+Classpath Exception which allows binary linking with the application (unlike the LGPL) thus allowing you to build and obfuscate your own proprietary applications. We still intend to offer binary drops under the current binary license to give you a choice between two licenses and ease your interaction with the legal department in your respective corporation (note that the binary license only applies to the binary drops!)."

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