Yesterday GetJar published the highlights of their latest consumer poll. The poll was conducted over the past month and they received over 13,000 replies from apps consumers all over the world.
You can find details of this release here:
Key findings:
- 65% of our consumers are between the ages of 18-34 years old with over 80% being male
- 61% of consumers are downloading content at least 3-4 times per week
- 57% download apps, 22% games, 10% music, 8% wallpapers and only 3% ringtones (in general)
- 67% would be willing to pay for content
- 80% of its users consciously download apps that contain advertising
- 74% say they would actively download an app sponsored or developed by a well-known brand. GetJar
- 72% of its users access the internet more from their mobile handsets than from their computers
- 80% have recommended apps to friends
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